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Showing posts from September, 2013

How to use "EOMONTH" Function in Excel

This function will show the last day of the month which is a specified number of months before or after a given date. Syntax:   =EOMONTH(StartDate,Months) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "DMAX" Function in Excel

This function examines a list of information and produces the largest value from a specified column. Syntax: '=DMAX(DatabaseRange,FieldName,CriteriaRange) The Database Range is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the field names at the top of the columns. The Field Name is the name or cell, of the values to pick the Max from, such as "Points Scored" or D3 The Criteria Range is made up of two types of information.  The first set of information is the name, or names, of the Fields(s) to be used as the basis for selecting the records, such as the Name of the candidate or Subject The second set of information is the actual record, or records, which are to be selected, such as Durga as a Candidate's Name, or maths as Subject. Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "DAVERAGE" Function in Excel

This Function is used to find the average of a particular item chosen from a particular criteria This is a combination of IF and Average Function.Examines a list of information and produces and average. Syntax: =DAVERAGE(DatabaseRange,FieldName,CriteriaRange) The DatabaseRange is the entire list of information you need to examine, including the field names at the top of the columns. The FieldName is the name, or cell, of the values to be averaged, such as "Marks" or D2 The Criteria Range is made up of two types of information.. The first set of information is the name, The second set of information is the actual record, or records Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "DAY" Function in Excel

This function extracts the day of the month from a complete date. Syntax:  =DAY(value) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "DATEDIF" Function in Excel

This function calculates the difference between two dates. It can show the result in weeks, months or years. Syntax:  =DATEDIF(FirstDate,SecondDate,"Interval") FirstDate : This is the earliest of the two dates. SecondDate : This is the most recent of the two dates. "Interval" : This indicates what you want to calculate. These are the available intervals. "d" Days between the two dates. "m" Months between the two dates. "y" Years between the two dates. "yd" Days between the dates, as if the dates were in the same year. "ym" Months between the dates, as if the dates were in the same year. "md" Days between the two dates, as if the dates were in the same month and year. Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "DATE" Function in Excel

This function creates a real date by using three normal numbers typed into separate cells. Syntax:  =DATE(year,month,day) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "COUNTBLANK" Function in Excel

This function counts the number of blank cells in a range. Syntax: =COUNTBLANK(RangeToTest) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "COUNTIFS" Function in Excel

This function counts the number of items which match  multiple criterias set by the user. Syntax =COUNTIFS(RangeOfThings,Criteria1ToBeMatched,RangeOfThingsToBeCounted,Criteria2ToBeMatched) The criteria can be typed in any of the  following ways. To match a piece of text type the text in quotes, such as =COUNTIFS(A1:A5,"Hello",B1:B5,"dp") To match using operators surround the expression with quotes, such as =COUNTIFS(A1:A5,">50",B1:B5,"43") To match a specific number type the number, such as =COUNTIFS(A1:A5,100,B1:B5,50) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "COUNTIF" Function in Excel

This function counts the number of items which match criteria set by the user. Syntax =COUNTIF(RangeOfThingsToBeCounted,CriteriaToBeMatched) The criteria can be typed in any of the  following ways. To match a piece of text type the text in quotes, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,"Hello") To match using operators surround the expression with quotes, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,">50") To match a specific number type the number, such as =COUNTIF(A1:A5,100) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "COUNTA" Function in Excel

This function counts the number of numeric or text entries in a list.It will ignore only blanks. Syntax: =COUNTA(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "COUNT" Function in Excel

This function counts the number of numeric entries in a list.It will ignore blanks, text and errors. Syntax: =COUNT(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "CORREL" Function in Excel

This function examines two sets of data to determine the degree of relationship between the two sets.The result will be a decimal between 0 and 1.The larger the result, the greater the correlation. Syntax: =CORREL(Range1,Range2) Example: the Monthly temperature is compared against the Sales of Refridgerator units. The correlation shows that there is an 0.8076 relationship between the data Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "CONVERT" Function in Excel

This function converts a value measure in one type of unit, to the same value expressed in a different type of unit, such as Inches to Centimetres, ft to mtrs, yards to mtrs Syntax: =CONVERT(AmountToConvert,UnitToConvertFrom,UnitToConvertTo) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "CONCATENATE" Function in Excel

This function joins separate pieces of text into one item. Syntax:  =CONCATENATE(Text1,Text2,Text3...Text30) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>


Fish bone Format is used to highlight the cause and effect Analysis in a Single Page. It was Devised by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa , a pioneer of quality Management in the 1960s. the Technique was then published in his 1990 book, "Introduction to Quality control" Fish Bone Diagram is also known as Ishikawa Diagram. This tool is generally used to: 1. Find the Root Cause of the Problem 2. Uncover Bottle Necks in your processes 3. Identify where and why your process is failing Download Here Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "CLEAN" Function in Excel

This function removes any nonprintable characters from text. These nonprinting characters are often found in data which has been imported from other systems such as database imports from mainframes. This will be useful when u Convert a PDF to word and you get some non printable  characters Syntax: =CLEAN(TextToBeCleaned) Example: Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "COMBIN" Function in Excel

This function calculates the highest number of combinations available based upon a fixed number of items. This is nothing but the Combination function in Mathematics like N C 2 Syntax:  =COMBIN(HowManyItems,GroupSize)      Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "AVERAGE" Function in Excel

This function calculates the average from a list of numbers.If the cell contains zero 0, the cell will be included in the average calculation But If the cell is blank or contains text, the cell will not be used in the average calculation. Syntax: '=AVERAGE(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30) Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to do "AUTOSUM" in Excel

Instead of using the Autosum function or the button from the toolbar You can press Alt and  = to achieve the same result Just you have to move to a blank cell after entering the values either in a row or a column and press Alt and = to see the result of autosum. Example Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>

How to use "AND" Function in Excel

This function tests two or more conditions to see if they are all true.It can be used to test that a series of numbers meet certain conditions.It can be used to test that a number or a date falls between an upper and lower limit.Normally the AND() function would be used in conjunction with a function such as =IF().  =AND(Test1,Test2), like these 30 Tests can be done. Example: Here is the video tutorial of the same for clear understanding. Back to MS Excel>>