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Showing posts from September, 2014

How to Color only Visible cells in Excel 2013

We do face this problem when we want to color only the visible cells, we generally select all the cells and color them.Later when we remove the filters, we observe that the hidden cells have also been colored. But instead we can color only the Visible cells using this simple procedure. Lets see an example here: I have an excel sheet with the data as shown and i would like to now hide the rows 6,7,8 and if i select these cells by normal selection and color it in green color, all the hidden cells will also be colored. But instead i will select only the visible cells by 1. Selecting all the cells normally and then 2. Pressing " Alt+;"  on my keyboard which enables to select only the visible cells. 3.and then color the cells by green color. I get the desired result now as shown when i unhide the cells Back to MS Excel>>

Finish date doesn't get changed, when you change the duration in primavera

We do face this problem of Finish date of the activity not getting changed, when we change the duration of the activity. Now, let us see the example and learn how to fix this issue. If you see the Activity A1030 in the below primavera schedule, the duration of the activity is 5 days and finish date as  24-Mar-14.  and now let's see the change in the Finish date by changing the duration from 5 days to 15 days and observe that there is no change in the Finish Date. and  this error is being caused as the primavera is not calculating the remaining duration of this activity when the original duration is being changed. In fact, we observe that the change we are making by increasing  original duration of the activity is not linking with the remaining duration. This is the situation where everyone gets panic and finally land upon the solution of adjusting the remaining duration as the tool doesn't automatically calculate the new remaining duration when the ...

How to get Excel 2013 to show a comma after millions (English format) or Thousands (Indian format)

Let us see how we can set different currency formats in excel. In general , in excel we have the English group formatting like 123,456,789.00. This can be converted into the Indian group formatting like 12,34,56,789.00 and vice versa. lets see conversion of English to Indian grouping first Step 1:  The number that i entered in excel sheet is " 3500000000" as shown below And when i click on the Comma function from the menu bar, the number will be grouped into the English format. Step 2: Now, Go to Control panel>> Region and Language Step 3: In the Format tab, under the drop down menu u will be seeing the default format, here it is English (United States). Step 4: Change this to   " English (India)" and click on "Apply" and then "OK"  Step 5: Now you can see the Number "3,500,000,000.00" changing to "3,50,00,00,000.00" Similarly, if we need to convert this Indian ...

Exporting the Primavera data into excel with same color formatting.

In the earlier posts, we have already seen  how to export the primavera schedule into the excel format and then do the  modifications for further usage. Now, let us see how the schedule in excel looks similar to that of the schedule in the primavera. Here are the steps for the same: Step-1: Open the project in the primavera p6. Step-2: Now, the sample schedule in primavera looks like this as shown below Step-3: Now Press Ctrl+A to select all the rows and columns in the primavera schedule  and C opy all the selected data Step-4: Now go to an excel sheet and right click and select "Paste" option to paste the data that has been copied from the primavera screen Step-5: Insert a user defined column "Level" for filtering purpose and apply filters to all the data. and then filter the Column "Activity name" by checking the "Blanks" -This is nothing but we are filtering all the WBS rows and excluding the activities. ...