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Showing posts from April, 2019

How To Transpose Or Convert A Single Column To Multiple Columns In Excel || dptutorials

Hello Friends, Welcome to dptutorials. In this tutorial, I will show you How To Transpose Or Convert A Single Column To Multiple Columns In Excel There can be multiple ways to perform this trick, I will show you some of these in this tutorial now. So, let us go to the 1st method: 1. Using Indirect Function First consider this as an example, where I have got entries in a single column like this and let us try to convert these into 3 columns. Enter the formula in Cell C1 as =INDIRECT(ADDRESS((ROW($A1)-1)*3+COLUMN(A1),1)) Copy and paste it 2 cells to the right, then down until you start to get zeros (delete these zeroes later). In this formula, A1 points to the first item in the column you want to re-arrange. To change the number of columns, modify 3 in the formula into something else. Got it right. This is one way to do this trick. 2. Now let us see the 2nd way of doing this: Using OFFSET Function Enter the formula in Cell C1 as =OFFSET($A$1,COLUMNS($A1:A1)-1+(ROWS($...

Primavera P6 Export To Excel And Color WBS Levels Automatically || How To Color WBS Levels

In this tutorial, let us learn how to Color WBS levels after Primavera P6 Export To Excel. After exporting activity table from Primavera P6 to Excel, it’s very hard to tell which activity belong to which WBS. So in this tutorial, let us see how to color WBS levels automatically so we can have a report like in Primavera P6. This is my sample schedule in primavera, 1. I press Ctrl+A to select entire data and copy the data and then go to Excel sheet and paste it. 2. Add a column left to Activity Id i.e column A and name it as WBS level to show the WBS level for each activity. 3. enter the formula in Cell A2 as = =((FIND(TRIM(B2),B2))-1)/2 4. Hit enter and then apply the same formula to all the cells in column A to see WBS level for each activity. 5. See now, you can view the WBS level for each activity this way easily in Excel after exporting the Primavera P6 Schedule. And Now let us color the WBS levels. 1. Select the entire Data range. 2. Go to Conditional F...

Automatically Add Date/Time to a Cell When You Enter || Record Date and Time when Value is Changed

We know that by using the functions Today() and Now() in Excel, we get the current Date and Time but these values will not be static and keep on updating on saving your workbook. But if we need to get a static date into a cell after data is entered into other cells. Here is the solution, watch this video to know this trick. Let’s suppose when data is entered in column A, we want to have the corresponding current dates into column B in the same row. Follow these steps now to perform Step1: Right click on the sheet tab, select view code option Step2: Copy the code ( I have shared this code in the description as well) Code @ And paste into this VBA window. Step3: Exit this VBA window and go back to the Excel workbook Step4: Now, let us test it by adding any data to any cell in the range A1:A1000. You will see the current date appearing in the corresponding cell in column B. It is awesome right!!! If you want to have both Date and time in ...

How To Identify WBS Level For Activity After Primavera P6 Export To Excel

In this tutorial, let us learn how to identify WBS level for activity after Primavera P6 Export To Excel. After exporting activity table from Primavera P6 to Excel, it’s very hard to tell which activity belongs to which WBS. So in this tutorial, let us see this with an example. This is my sample schedule in primavera, 1. I press Ctrl+A to select entire data and copy the data and then go to Excel sheet and paste it. 2. Add a column left to Activity Id i.e column A and name it as WBS level to show the WBS level for each activity. 3. enter the formula in Cell A2 as =((FIND(TRIM(B2),B2))-1)/2 4. Hit enter and then apply the same formula to all the cells in column A to see WBS level for each activity. 5. See now, you can view the WBS level for each activity this way easily in Excel after exporting the Primavera P6 Schedule. So, friends, this is all about this trick If you have enjoyed this tutorial, please give me a like, share and comment. For further more interest...