Hello Friends, Welcome to dptutorials. In this tutorial, I will show you How To Transpose Or Convert A Single Column To Multiple Columns In Excel There can be multiple ways to perform this trick, I will show you some of these in this tutorial now. So, let us go to the 1st method: 1. Using Indirect Function First consider this as an example, where I have got entries in a single column like this and let us try to convert these into 3 columns. Enter the formula in Cell C1 as =INDIRECT(ADDRESS((ROW($A1)-1)*3+COLUMN(A1),1)) Copy and paste it 2 cells to the right, then down until you start to get zeros (delete these zeroes later). In this formula, A1 points to the first item in the column you want to re-arrange. To change the number of columns, modify 3 in the formula into something else. Got it right. This is one way to do this trick. 2. Now let us see the 2nd way of doing this: Using OFFSET Function Enter the formula in Cell C1 as =OFFSET($A$1,COLUMNS($A1:A1)-1+(ROWS($...
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