These days cloud services are plenty and the dropbox has been there since long time and i am the perfect user of this tool. It's Very easy to sync all your files using Dropbox and the best part i love the most is file sharing with my dearest ones. When my dearest ones face problem in downloading files at office or any other restricted ares, i download for them and share via dropbox and now everyone is in love with the tool. Just install the dropbox version 2.8.0 like any other software and it will create a 2 GB space allotted folder and place your files into the folder as usual like any other files and view the files online in your account. now by online you can send and share the links of the files that you have synced with your system. Similarly you can access the files of your friend's via shared link and download them to enjoy.
In this tutorial, let us learn how to Merge two separate schedules into One Master schedule in Primavera P6. In this example, I am considering two separate projects which are these two, One is master schedule and one is the subproject. First, let us open the subproject and export this schedule as a .XER file onto Desktop. and now let us start the exact process of merging two separate schedules. 1. As a first step, We need to open the project schedule into which we want to insert the other project as a sub-project. So, let us open the Master schedule here. 2. Go to Import, select XER format, Click Next 3. Select Project and click Next 4. Now select the Subproject .xer file from the Desktop and click Next 5. Under Import action, select the option as “Update Existing Project” and under import to section, select the Master schedule which is already open. Click Next and Finally Click on Finish. 6. Please note and make sure that your WBS and activity IDs should not confl...
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