Excel Tricks : How To Quickly Enter Data Or Formulas In Multiple Cells Easily | Excel || dptutorials
We know it is easy to copy and paste the data, but there is a technique to enter data in multiple cells so quickly. Select the range of cells, where you would like to enter a value. Holding the CTRL key, click on any cell and then type the value as per your wish, say “DP”. And don’t press enter now, instead press Ctrl+Enter and then you will get the entire series with the same name DP. This works with the numbers as well, it doesn’t have to be in the same row or same column. Let’s see, if I want to type 100 in these 4 cells, I simply select these 4 cells by pressing Ctrl key and selecting a cell of these and I type 100 and press Ctrl+Enter. So, you can use this trick for numbers, text and also for formulas. Let’s see an example for using the formulas as well. Here, I have got some numbers and let us find the sum of all these columns. First, let me select all the cells here, type the formula as = Sum (select the range in the first column) and press...