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Showing posts from March, 2016

Primavera P6 Tutorial : Chapter 2.6 : Project Codes

You can organize the Projects in EPS in groups according to categories such as location wise, discipline wise using the project codes. Using Project codes, you can arrange projects hierarchically when your EPS have many projects with many levels. You can establish as many as project codes to meet the grouping, sorting, filtering and reporting requirements for your projects. In this Chapter, let us see how to establish the project codes, assign them to projects and use them to organize the layouts. Establishing Project Codes: To define Project codes, go to Menu bar, Choose Enterprise,  Project Codes . Click  Modify  in the Project Codes dialog box, then add to define as many project code definitions as you need. Click Modify, then type a project code name, along with the number of characters that will be available for each code value. In the Project Codes dialog box, select the project code for which you want to establish values, then click Ad...

Primavera P6 Tutorial : Chapter 2.5 : Budgets

Budget Consists of quantities and cash flow required to complete a project. In the Planning stage project manager and other stakeholders need to estimate scope and budgets. As the scope changes, budget also needs to be adjusted to compensate. Primavera is helpful in establishing these budgets and tracking the changes in the budgets. In this Tutorial, let us learn how to establish budgets, establish monthly spending plans, implement changes to it and tracking monthly spending and variances right from EPS to Project and to WBS level. In the planning stage, we start the budgeting from the top level, like dividing the budget available to the EPS nodes for the duration of the projects. And then respective managers divide this budget to the projects for which they are responsible in each EPS node. Let us consider with an example here. Considering that we have $6000 allotted for an EPS node and it is having two projects and we divide this $6000 equally to these two projects as $3000 eac...

Primavera P6 Tutorial : Chapter 2.4 : Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a hierarchical arrangement of the services required during a project. The project is the highest level of the WBS while an individual activity or service is the lowest level. Each project in the enterprise project structure (EPS) will be further breakdown into WBS for better management. During the planning stage, Project Manager typically develops the WBS first, WBS can be created up to 50 levels. Maximum character length for any WBS Code is 20 and for WBS Name are 100. In this Chapter, we will learn how to set up and how to implement a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Beyond the EPS, we have Projects and each project will be further divided into WBS. Open the EPS element, open any Project in it and click on WBS from the directory bar. Viewing WBS : Go to Menu Bar, Choose Project and Select WBS; you can also click WBS from the Directory bar or from the Home workspace. You can view a WBS ...