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How to update Baseline in Primavera P6 || Primavera Scheduling || dptutorials

How to update Baseline in Primavera P6 || Primavera Scheduling || dptutorials

As per the schedule management philosophy, the schedule has to be baselined once it has been agreed by all the stakeholders.

Baseline is something that we usually do not change. But in some cases, we require to change it.

In this video tutorial, let us see how we can update baseline in Primavera P6.

Let us consider a simple project which is having an assigned baseline.

After some weeks, after updating schedule, the project is delayed from the baseline.

 After discussing with stakeholder and specific owner, we need to get permission to update our baseline so as to make it identical to the current schedule.

In this tutorial, we will see two ways to update baseline.

Method 1: 

We need to copy paste our current schedule to make as a new baseline B2 and assign the new baseline to our project.

Before that, we need to make an important configuration.

Go to menu Admin, select Admin Preferences.

In Earned Value tab, select “At completion values with current dates”

Go to menu bar, under Project, select Maintain Baselines. Click Add to create a new baseline.

Go to menu bar under Project, select Assign Baselines. Select baseline B2 Now you can see the baseline have been updated aligning with the current schedule.

Method 2 : 

Restore baseline Go to menu bar, under Project, select Assign Baselines.

Select Current project Go to menu bar, under Project, select Maintain Baselines. Select the baseline and click on Restore button.

Now go to the Project window and we can see the baseline become a separate project which we should open and update as per the changes.

After finishing the updating of the baseline project, you need to again assign it as a new baseline.

Open your “main” project. Go to menu bar and under Project, select Maintain Baselines.

Click on Add button. Now we will select option “Convert another project” and select the updated baseline project.

Go to menu bar, under Project, select Assign Baselines. And choose the latest updated baseline.

Now your project will have a new baseline as per your wish aligning with the current schedule.

In this way, one can update baseline in Primavera P6.

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